
Have you ever felt so desperate or so depressed that you felt like giving up? Be honest, now, did you ever say to yourself, …“I’m probably worth more dead than alive?” Julie suffered from Empty Nest Syndrome. She had been forced into early retirement while here husband had hit the pinnacle of his career. She was lost. What she didn’t know was that her depression was normal. But Julie had a plan. She was going to end her misery, however, in the execution of it, a remarkable thing happened. She meets four women who were at the same hotel on a girl’s get away weekend. They have a very strange impact on her. Find out what happens when you’re about to give up on life, but that gets interrupted by strangers who really have lived life!

There is no more tragic loss than the loss of a child. It does not fit normally or comfortably into the life cycle. Michael and Devon, whose identifies are mixed in the story, …had a major impact on this author and everyone whose path they crossed. Just knowing them enriched my life in ways that are hard to describe. Suffice it to say that during their all-too-short lives, they gave me the inspiration and strength to write about my own struggles with starting a family…my two miscarriages, subsequently infertility, and the emotional upheaval they brought. While it has been a few years since we lost both Micheal and Devon, the emptiness of their absence never goes away. May time ease the pain of those family members and friends they left behind, and may the both rest in peace.

Someone once said, “Too soon old, too late smart,” but what if you had the chance to live your entire life with the wisdom of age? Dana Gordon, through a… series of unforeseen events, is going to get just that opportunity. Her life will be changed forever before she even lives it.

Be careful what you wish for! Some girls have high school crushes, but they get over them. Nick had an unending crush on Jeanie that started in high school and… lasted well into adulthood. He was willing to go to any means to be with her. ANY MEANS. This took him down a deadly path, and he had no idea what was coming next.

Oh what a tangled web we weave… Jill Kelly is an intelligent high school student who knows exactly what she wants in life. Unfortunately, her vision does not fall in line with what … her father wants. He wants her to go to medical school; she wants to become a professional singer. It seems she has no choice but to attend Indiana University and major in biology–or so everyone thigs. After Jill begins classes her freshman year, she secretly visits the career counseling center to change her major and audition for the Jacobs School of Music. After she learns she has been accepted, But as her rebellious behavior leads her to find love and the personal happiness she has always wanted , Jill has no idea she is about to pay a hefty price for her choices. Okay, So i Lied shares the story of a young woman’s journey of deception as she attempts to acheive her dream of becoming a rock star.

Stuck Together: As Long as They Both Shall Laugh by Judith Fisher is a book that explores the humorous side of marriage and relationships. Fisher uses wit and anecdotes … to delve into the quirks, challenges, and joys that couples experience in long-term partnerships. The book emphasizes how humor plays a crucial role in sustaining a happy, healthy marriage, highlighting that laughter can be a powerful tool for navigating the ups and downs of life together.
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